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Pokemon Grid Patterns Minecraft Grid Patterns
Monday, July 18, 2011
WoW! posted at 10:15 PM

It's been such a long time since I've been on my blog! I didn't even realize so much time had passed, until someone brought it up to me. A lot has changed in the last few months. I've almost got 1,000 subscribers on my youtube channel, which is great! I love all my fans and I am really happy to see people enjoying my videos. I want to also start doing video game commentaries with my boyfriend. I love doing my art videos, but theres some days where I just want to game all day and just relax.

Once he buys his new awesome computer and we get fraps we will be ready to game. You can count on us doing a 1-85 leveling series. We do though have recruit-a-friend that we got just for the series. My old WoW account got banned, long story, and so we bought new ones. We will also be doing some Terraria and Minecraft LP's. If anyone has suggestions on what we should play or what I should make for my art channel don't be afraid to leave a message! :) I hope you all are having a good day.